Findernest Software Services Blog

Implementing Lakehouse Solutions for Generative AI

Written by Praveen Gundala | 26 Aug, 2024 7:35:41 PM

Discover how integrating lakehouse architecture can revolutionize generative AI applications, enhancing scalability and data management. In the digital age, leveraging data is crucial for innovation and competitive advantage. The pandemic underscored the importance of digitization and AI/ML. Findernest harnesses data to unlock opportunities, forge robust strategies, and generate insights that boost automation, personalization, and decision-making.

Exploring the Fundamentals of Lakehouse Architecture

Lakehouse architecture represents a cutting-edge data management paradigm that seamlessly blends the strengths of data lakes and data warehouses. This unified platform caters to both structured and unstructured data, making it a perfect fit for AI and machine learning applications. The transformative power of generative AI is undeniable, and with Lakehouse AI's data-centric approach, customers are empowered to swiftly develop and deploy AI models with unwavering speed, reliability, and comprehensive governance.

Essentially, a lakehouse architecture harmoniously merges the scalability and adaptability of data lakes with the robust data management and transactional capabilities of data warehouses. This fusion proves extremely advantageous for generative AI, allowing for the smooth integration of large datasets essential for training advanced models.

Key challenges with developing generative AI solutions

Optimizing Model Quality: Data serves as the lifeblood of AI, shaping its outcomes and impact. Inaccurate or flawed data can introduce biases, create illusions, and produce undesirable results. Evaluating the efficacy of Large Language Models (LLMs) poses a challenge as these models often lack a definitive ground truth label. Consequently, organizations face the complexity of determining the reliability of these models in critical scenarios without constant oversight.

Cost and complexity of training with enterprise data: Businesses are eager to train their models using proprietary data and exercise control over them. Demonstrated success with models like MPT-7B and Falcon-7B underscores the potential for smaller fine-tuned models to deliver exceptional performance given high-quality data. However, organizations grapple with determining the optimal volume of data samples, selecting the appropriate base model, navigating the intricacies of infrastructure for model training and refinement, and strategizing cost management.

Trusting Models in Production: As the tech landscape evolves at a rapid pace, introducing new capabilities can pose challenges in transitioning models to production. Whether it's the need for novel services like a vector database or advanced interfaces such as deep prompt engineering support and tracking, the process becomes more intricate. Establishing trust in models within a production environment demands robust and scalable infrastructure, along with a fully equipped stack for comprehensive monitoring.

Data security and governance: Companies are striving to manage the flow of data sent to and stored by external parties to prevent any potential data breaches and ensure compliance with regulations. There have been instances where teams currently operate with unrestricted practices that jeopardize security and privacy, or face cumbersome processes that hinder the pace of innovation.

The fusion of Data Lake Houses and Generative AI presents exciting opportunities for businesses and developers alike, enabling them to leverage their data reservoirs to create AI-driven applications that dynamically produce content, insights, and solutions. However, navigating this dynamic realm necessitates the right tools and strategies.

Below are basic capabilities and tools needed on top of your data lake to support Generative AI apps:

Vector Database 

Grounding Large Language Models (LLMs) with generative AI using vector search is a cutting-edge approach aimed at mitigating one of the most significant challenges in AI-driven content generation: hallucinations. LLMs, such as GPT, are remarkable for their ability to generate human-like text, but they can occasionally produce information that is factually incorrect or misleading. This issue, known as hallucination, arises because LLMs generate content based on patterns and associations learned from vast text corpora, sometimes without a factual basis.

Vector search, a powerful technique rooted in machine learning and information retrieval, plays a pivotal role in grounding LLMs by aligning generated content with reliable sources, real-world knowledge, and factual accuracy. 


Auto ML

AutoML helps you automatically apply machine learning to a dataset. You provide the dataset and identify the prediction target while AutoML prepares the dataset for model training. AutoML then performs and records a set of trials that create, tune, and evaluate multiple models. 

You can further streamline the process by integrating AutoML platforms like Google AutoML or Azure AutoML, which can automate the process of training and tuning AI models, reducing the need for extensive manual configuration.

Model Serving

Model serving is the process of making a trained model available to users so that they can make predictions on new data. In the context of generative AI apps on data lake houses, model serving plays a critical role in enabling users to generate creative text formats, translate languages, and answer questions in an informative way.

Here are some of the key benefits of using model serving in generative AI apps on data lake houses:

  • Scalability: Model serving systems can be scaled to handle any volume of traffic. This is important for generative AI apps, which can be very popular and generate a lot of traffic.
  • Reliability: Model serving systems are designed to be highly reliable. This is important for generative AI apps, which need to be available to users 24/7.
  • Security: Model serving systems can be configured to be very secure. This is important for generative AI apps, which may be processing sensitive data.

At the same time, the costs of in-house model serving can be prohibitive for smaller companies. This is why many smaller companies choose to outsource their model serving needs to a third-party provider. 

LLM Gateway

LLM Gateway is a system that makes it easier for people to use different large language models (LLMs) from different providers. It does this by providing a single interface for interacting with all of the different LLMs and by encapsulating best practices for using them. It also manages data by tracking what data is sent to and received from the LLMs and by running PII scrubbing heuristics on the data before it is sent.

In other words, LLM Gateway is a one-stop shop for using LLMs. It makes it easy to get started with LLMs, and it helps people to use them safely and efficiently.

LLM gateways serve below purposes:

  • Simplify the process of integrating these powerful language models into various applications. 
  • Provide user-friendly APIs and SDKs, reducing the barrier to entry for leveraging LLMs.
  • Enable prediction caching to track repeated prompts.
  • Rate limiting to manage costs.

Prompt Tools

Prompt tools can help you write better prompts for generative AI tools, which can lead to improved responses in several ways:

  • Reduced ambiguity: Prompt tools can help you to communicate your requests more clearly and precisely, which can help to reduce ambiguity in the AI's responses.
  • Consistent tone and style: Prompt tools can help you to specify the tone and style of the desired output, ensuring that generated content is consistent and on-brand.
  • Mitigated bias: Prompt tools can help you to instruct the AI to avoid sensitive topics or adhere to ethical guidelines, which can help to mitigate bias and promote fairness.
  • Improved relevance: Prompt tools can help you to set the context and goals for the AI, ensuring that generated content stays on-topic and relevant.

Here are some specific examples of how prompt tools can be used to address the challenges you mentioned:

  • Avoiding ambiguous or unintended responses: Instead of simply saying, "Write me a blog post about artificial intelligence," you could use a prompt tool to generate a more specific prompt, such as "Write a 1000-word blog post about the different types of artificial intelligence and their potential applications."
  • Ensuring consistent tones and styles: If you are writing an email to clients, you can use a prompt tool to specify a formal and informative tone. If you are writing a creative piece, you can use a prompt tool to specify a more playful or experimental tone.
  • Producing unbiased and politically correct content: If you are writing about a sensitive topic, such as race or religion, you can use a prompt tool to instruct the AI to avoid certain subjects or viewpoints. You can also use a prompt tool to remind the AI to adhere to your organization's ethical guidelines.
  • Staying on-topic and generating relevant information: If you are asking the AI to generate a report on a specific topic, you can use a prompt tool to provide the AI with the necessary context and goals. This will help the AI to stay on-topic and generate relevant information.

Overall, prompt tools are a valuable tool for anyone who uses generative AI tools. By using prompt tools, you can write better prompts and get the most out of your generative AI tools.


Generative AI models have transformed various industries by enabling machines to generate human-like text, images, and more. When integrated with Lake Houses, these models become even more powerful, leveraging vast amounts of data to generate creative content. However, monitoring such models is crucial to ensure their performance, reliability, and ethical use. Here are some monitoring tools and practices tailored for Generative AI on top of Lake Houses:

  • Model Performance Metrics
  • Data Quality and Distribution
  • Cost Monitoring
  • Anomaly Detection

Enhancing Data Management for Generative AI

Effective data management plays a pivotal role in the success of generative AI applications, which thrive on vast amounts of high-quality data. Lakehouse systems offer a robust set of tools for data governance, ensuring the integrity, consistency, and accessibility of data.

With features like data versioning, cataloging, and advanced metadata management, lakehouse solutions streamline the data preparation and curation process. This optimization not only enhances the efficiency of AI model training but also elevates the overall quality of the generated outputs.

In the current landscape, life sciences companies are in dire need of a flexible and high-performance data processing and analysis system capable of handling a plethora of data applications like SQL analytics, real-time monitoring, machine learning (ML), and artificial intelligence (AI). The data under scrutiny is predominantly unstructured, encompassing various file types such as raw data, images, video, audio, and text. This data diversity poses a significant challenge for traditional enterprise data architectures, necessitating multiple systems to manage the complexity effectively. This integrated ecosystem typically includes a data lake, several data warehouses (DW) catering to different business units, streaming APIs, image databases, and more. While such comprehensive setups offer advantages in terms of data standardization, quality, and consistency, they often come with the drawbacks of complexity and high maintenance costs.

Enterprise data management systems built around DWs and data lakes are encountering hurdles due to the exponential growth of data volumes. Integrating this burgeoning data into unified analytical platforms poses challenges, as even minor errors can lead to misinformation and flawed insights. Delays in data ingestion, analysis, and insight extraction can impact crucial business decisions like territory alignment and time to market. While DWs excel in data standardization and quality, they lack the flexibility needed for rapidly evolving use cases and incur substantial maintenance expenses. On the other hand, data lakes offer more flexibility to data scientists but struggle with data security and robustness, often leading to disorganized data swamps as data volumes escalate.

By rewriting the fragment in a unique and captivating manner, it seamlessly integrates with the original blog post text, maintaining the flow and coherence of the content.

Optimizing Performance with Hybrid Data Storage

Hybrid data storage is a key component of lakehouse architecture, combining the benefits of both on-premise and cloud storage solutions. This hybrid approach enables organizations to optimize performance, cost, and scalability according to their specific needs.

For generative AI applications, hybrid storage ensures that large datasets can be accessed and processed quickly, without the latency issues that can arise with purely cloud-based solutions. This results in faster training times and more responsive AI systems.

Data Security and Compliance in Lakehouse Systems

Data security and compliance are paramount concerns in any data management strategy. Lakehouse systems offer advanced security features, including encryption, access controls, and audit trails, to protect sensitive information.

Compliance with regulatory standards such as GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA is also facilitated by the robust data governance frameworks inherent in lakehouse architectures. This ensures that generative AI applications can be developed and deployed in a secure and compliant manner.

The data lakehouse architecture above applies the DW’s metadata layer onto the raw data stored in the data lake. Data lakehouses also provide features that lead to better data management, query optimization, and performance improvement, such as:

Better business intelligence (BI) and visualization:

  • Direct interaction of various BI tools with the data in the lakehouse eliminates the need to maintain duplicate copies of the data.
  • Data is available in near-real-time, with very little latency.
  • The timely reporting and faster analytics of data lakehouses make it possible to generate better insights.

ACID transaction support:

  • Enables ACID transactions for the data lake and ensures consistency as multiple parties concurrently read or write data, typically using SQL.
  • Operations such as MERGE, can be executed directly on datasets.
  • Audit history, which can easily be maintained using Time Travel features.

Better data governance:

  • Lakehouses support schema validation that ensures data quality by rejecting writes to a table that does not match the table’s schema.
  • Robust governance and auditing mechanisms in data lakehouses allow greater control over security, access, metrics, and other critical data management aspects.

Unstructured data support:

  • Real-time reports and support for streaming
  • Provides APIs for a variety of tools; allows access to the data by engines such as ML, AI systems, and R/Python libraries
  • Ability to store, refine, analyze, and access the data types needed for many new data applications, including images, video, audio, semi-structured data, and text

Case Studies: Success Stories of Lakehouse in AI

Countless organizations have embraced lakehouse solutions to elevate their AI capabilities, showcasing remarkable success stories. Take, for instance, a prominent healthcare provider that implemented lakehouse architecture to effectively manage and analyze patient data, leading to more precise predictive models and enhanced patient outcomes.

In another compelling case, a financial services firm utilized lakehouse systems to fine-tune their fraud detection algorithms. By consolidating diverse data sources into a unified platform, they achieved heightened accuracy and speed in identifying fraudulent activities.

In today's data-centric environment, organizations are continually exploring innovative methods to extract value from their extensive datasets. Data Lakes have emerged as a pivotal element in modern data architecture, offering a scalable and adaptable framework for storing and handling a variety of data types. Concurrently, Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the landscape, empowering machines to replicate human creativity and autonomously generate content.

Best practices for data Lakehouse implementations

While implementing data lakehouses, the following best practices must be kept in mind:

  • The data lakehouse should serve as the central hub for all data, acting as a primary repository without transforming raw data unless it involves personally identifiable information. It is advisable to preserve data in its original format to maintain integrity and flexibility within the data lakehouse architecture.
  • Data lakehouses offer role and view-based access control, going beyond just setting up roles. With view-based access, permissions can be finely sliced down to the row and column levels using SQL views, ensuring precise and secure data handling.
  • Organize and curate the data within the data lakehouse by cataloging new entries and maintaining continuous updates. This curated catalog serves as a comprehensive repository of table metadata, encompassing detailed descriptions of tables and columns, schema details, data lineage information, and more.


In essence, the fusion of Data Lake Houses and Generative AI heralds a groundbreaking era in data-driven advancements. These transformative technologies, when combined with the right tools and capabilities, empower organizations to unlock the full potential of their data assets. By leveraging vector databases and anchoring LLMs with vector search, the issue of hallucinations is effectively addressed, ensuring precise content delivery. Findernest data engineering solutions streamline the deployment of machine learning models, while LLM gateways facilitate seamless integration. Instantaneous tools enhance communication with AI models, minimizing ambiguity and bias. Through vigilant monitoring, optimal model performance and ethical utilization are upheld. In the digital age, leveraging data is crucial for innovation and competitive advantage. The pandemic underscored the importance of digitization and AI/ML. Findernest harnesses data to unlock opportunities, forge robust strategies, and generate insights that boost automation, personalization, and decision-making.

The emergence of data lakehouses signifies a thrilling frontier in cutting-edge data management solutions. Their capacity to harness unstructured data with AI, ML, and automated data initiatives offers substantial value to organizations. The adoption of data lakehouse frameworks is poised to rise in the foreseeable future, eliminating the challenge of data swamps and paving the way for transparent, user-friendly, cost-effective data management systems.